Title Tags Tutorial Video

In just over 4 minutes you can learn about the ins and outs of Title Tags.

Discover - what a title tag is, why they are important and learn how to create them for your website in our Search Engine Optimisation (Search Engine Optimization) video tutorial.

The Search Engine Optimization tutorials in video form are designed to help you with learning the basics of Search Engine Optimization. The Search Engine Optimization tutorial is presented by Gareth Davies of GSINC Ltd and is a streaming Macromedia flash presentation. The presentation also includes audio commentary.

Core fundamentals of Title Tags:
- They provide search engines with a guide to your on page content

- They are still on of the most influential on site optimisation techniques

- They are a place to re-enforce keywords and the theme of your site

- They need to be 63 characters or less to appear in full on Google

- They are relatively easy to edit in Notepad, Dreamweaver or using your CMS or ECommerce software package.

The Search Engine Optimization video tutorial is designed to stream for broadband connections and is approx 5 meg.
