This Tutorial contains all information and files needed except one (just use google for that) for installing, Configuring and Running Open VPN on Android Phones.
Open vpn for android.
1. "Rooted" Android Phone.
2. Root explorer
3. Openvpn installer
4. Openvpn settings
5. Terminal Emulator
6. Busybox
7. VPN Config Files
8. tun.ko (This file is device and kernel specific. You cannot use a tun.ko that is NOT compiled for your device. just google for it and get your mobile kernel)
1. Root your phone with the superuser.
2. Install openvpn installer and the binaries..
Installing Process:
Run openvpn installer using file explorer
Click install >choose /system/xbin/ > choose /system/xbin/bb
Check this directory if installation successfull: /system/xbin/openvpn
3. Install busybox
Open the application and click install.
Wait and check directory: /system/xbin/busybox or /system/bin/busybox { it(busybox) should be there}
4. Configure openvpn settings
Go to option > advance >
Check load tun kernel module
Set path to openvpn binary: /system/xbin/openvpn
Go to tun module setting > load module using > insmod
Set path to tun module: /system/lib/modules/tun.ko
5. Open terminal emulator
and type this
$suIf The busybox is in the / system / bin /busybox
#mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system
#chmod 700 /system/xbin/openvpn
#mkdir /system/xbin/bb
#busybox ln -s /system/bin/busybox /system/xbin/bb/ifconfig
#busybox ln -s /system/bin/busybox /system/xbin/bb/route
If The busybox is in the / system / xbin /busybox
#busybox ln -s /system/xbin/busybox /system/xbin/bb/ifconfig**if an error occurred after issuing such command please check if busybox is in this directory: /system/bin/busybox and if openvpn is in this directory: /system/xbin/openvpn
#busybox ln -s /system/xbin/busybox /system/xbin/bb/route
6. On your sdcard create a folder named "openvpn" w/o the quotes and Put all your config files there.
7. Now Run openvpn and connect with the visible settings.
Download Required Files Below:
hey, that's really help full. I got the setup now. But can you tell me that which is the best vpn service for ipad????
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