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15 February, 2011

Create your own Facebook Subdomains

After discussing the previous tutorial about changing the Username Facebook, now I’ll try to share related Facebook tutorial is how to create your Facebook account with own subdomain using iframe via Cpanel, that mean is create url Facebook’s profile with subdomain.

For example, I’ll make my own Facebook subdomain such as with the following url address to appearance my Facebook profile or Facebook fan page. To create it, we must have active one personal domain or subdomain and little webhosting space to save file.

To create a subdomain, make sure you’re logged into your Cpanel, then access the “Subdomain” menu and create your own Facebook subdomain as you wish (see screenshot below).


After that go to public_html folder and find your subdomain folder’s name (see screenshot below with following transparent color object).


Create new one file (you can this tool find at the top left page), give the file name index.html. Double click and right click then choose the “Code Edit” menu) and fill with the following code below…

<head> <title> Title </title> </head>
<frameset border="0" cols="100%" rows="100%">
<frame src="URL Facebook's Account"></frameset>

Save the file changes. After doing all steps above, now you can check it out Facebook subdomain by writing your own url address in address bar browser.



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