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15 February, 2011

Optimizing IE 8 from tweak registry

If you’re using the Internet Explorer as your default browser, you will definitely feel that a lot of changes compared with previous versions. The default settings of IE 8 is more faster and efficient, and also create a security more stronger than before.

But actually the default settings with using tweak registry can be optimize to get more faster access. And by doing custom tweak registry settings in IE 8, your internet connections limit will be increase and also create a custom menu style on default previous versions of IE.

Increase The Connection Limits

At default, the number of files can be download simultaneously in IE 8 is limited to 6. Actually you can increase the number up to 10 at one time, it’s useful if using the faster internet connections. To increase it number, you can configure from registry editor.

Open the registry editor from Run menu by clicking Windows + R and type regedit. Then find the key of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings. At the right window, find DWORD MaxConnectionsPerServer and MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server.

If the DWORD are not found, you can create new with the same name such as above. After that, change or create the default value to 10. Then save and close the registry editor and restart your computer to take the effects.

Move the Menu Bar above the Address Bar

At default, address bar in IE 8 browser are appeared in bottom, you can move this menu at the top of address bar with the same way from registry editor. Find the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\WebBrowser. At the right window, double click on DWORD ITBar7Position and change the default value from 0 into 1. Save and close your registry editor, then restart your computer to take the effects.


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