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15 February, 2011

Adding widget Google Analytics report stats

Google Analytics as the best and complete tracker tool from Google search engine company has become the favorite tool among webmasters because is free and unlimited web service. However, Google Analytics has a significant shortage is stats widget that can be used by webmasters for shown to the publics is not available.

That means if you were to share the traffic details with another person, you must add as a user to your Google Analytics account. The statistic widget is usually very useful for webmasters if they want to promote the sites to advertisers. So that customers and advertisers can see clearly web traffics from the site.

::: How to Adding Google Analytics Report Stats Widget? :::

The useful and new service is called SeeTheStats that will easily solve the problem like above. To get started, just simply register (email confirm required) and authorize SeeTheStats to access your Google Analytics account. Then choose a profile of the website for which want to make the public data.

Then the service pulls your Analytics data and generate Flash-based charts or JPEG images that you may embed as widgets on your website. At the report stats widget are available the options like display pageviews, unique visitors, the time they spend on pages, countries, and almost every other metric that’s available on Google Analytics.

For example some sample results are available at that have chosen to make their Google Analytics stats public via SeeTheStats. This service will automatically update the traffic charts based on your current statistics. If sometimes wanna to block SeeTheStats from your Google Analtics data, just simply delete the authorization access from your Google Account settings page.


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